

Stormwater Maintenance Services

Call Carolina Pond and Stormwater and let us create a maintenance plan specific to your needs!

Stormwater Control Measures (SCM’s), formally known as BMP’s or retention ponds are complex ecosystems and require maintenance to adhere to regulations, as well as staying healthy and aesthetically pleasing. SCM’s are implemented as a way to treat water runoff in developed areas that were formally naturally vegetated. These devices retain the water for a specific period of time to reduce flooding, slow the flow of water, thus, reducing erosion and sedimentation and aiding in removing unwanted nutrients and pollutants. These devices are much needed to keep our local waterways clean. There are also many “ponds” in the southeast area that are simply there for aesthetic value to the surrounding homeowners and do not act as an SCM in an official capacity. However, these ponds are still helping to filter the water and provide increased property values for homeowners. Generally these ponds need more specific focus on aquatic vegetation control, but still need to be properly maintained. Carolina Pond and Stormwater can help with maintaining these SCM’s and aesthetic ponds to ensure that they are in adherence with regulations, as well as being beautiful and an attribute to the people and property around them. There are many different ways to maintain these bodies of water and never let anyone tell you that they are simply not able to meet your needs; there’s always a way!